Truth and Reconciliation Commission Committee

Committee 2017 - 2019

The Law Society Executive acknowledges the guidance, invaluable contributions and knowledge sharing by the Committee Members over these two years. The Law Society is working towards the implementation of  the Committee’s recommendations and action items as described in both of the Committee’s AGM reports.

Read the 2018-19 AGM Report here and the 2017-18 AGM Report here.

  • Jessi Casebeer
  • Sandra Inutiq
  • Joseph Murdoch-Flowers – Co-Chairperson
  • Paul Okalik – Chairperson
The Law Society of Nunavut Executive established the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action Standing Committee (LSN TRC Committee) in April 2017. Seated from left to right: Paul, Joseph, Sandra and Jessi.


The LSN TRC Standing Committee is established with a mandate to make recommendations to the LSN on a response to the TRC Calls to Action. In developing recommendations for consideration by the LSN, the Standing Committee will take into account the role of the LSN in responding to the Calls to Action and the value in complementing any activities the LSN may undertake.

The Terms of Reference were developed by the Standing Committee and adopted on September 18, 2017.

  • Learn about the Principles of Truth and Reconciliation published by the TRCC (2015).

  • Learn about the 94 Calls to Action (2015) : "In order to redress the legacy of residential schools and advance the process of Canadian reconciliation, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission makes the following calls to action".