Membership directory

This list contains a list of all lawyers who are members of the Law Society of Nunavut and lawyers practising under a Restricted Appearance Certificate.

It includes:

  • Active members, those who are actively working as lawyers on Nunavut matters. Active members can be Resident – working in Nunavut or Non-Resident - working outside Nunavut.
  • Inactive members who are still members of the Law Society but are not authorized to practice law.
  • Suspended members, those lawyers who have been suspended and are no longer allowed to practice law.
  • Restricted Appearance Certificate  (limited number of matters) 


First name Middle name Last name Address Phone Practicing Status
Jamison Alexander Servatius Young Ottawa, ON (613) 237-5160 Regular - Active Membership Details
Anyuan (Arthur) Yuan Ottawa, ON (613) 238-1096 Regular - Active Membership Details